Monday, January 18, 2010

Acronyms Galore

I have been collecting planning related acronyms for a while now. They fascinate me because they say so much about the way the various participants view each other. Anyway, here's a few of them:

Terms for objectors
LULU = Locally Unwanted Land Use
NIMBY = Not In My Back Yard
BANANA = Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything [or anyone]
CAVE people = Citizens Against Virtually Everything
NIMEY = Not in my election year (specific to politicians)
NIMTOO = Not in my term of office (specific to politicians)
NIMFOS = Not in my field of sight
NOPE = Not on planet earth
WIIFM What’s in it for me?

I want to come back to this at some stage because I often find that the LULU response is automatic when people are confronted with something that frightens them. It seems to me that planners make a mistake in arrogantly dismissing the LULU response - it's actually a valid reaction. It's how you deal with the reaction that really matters.

DBTD/DBTN: Two common vaccines used by planners to “fix” a project they don’t like. DBTD is technically Death By a Thousand Days and DBTN is Death By a Thousand Nicks [also known as the BED Principle—“Bleed ‘em Dry”]

Doczilla: Any technical report that should be caged rather than shelved.

DUDE: Developer Under Delusions of Entitlement

PowerPoint Poisoning: Nauseous state of mind and body induced by viewing “professional” presentations.

Sense of Immunity: Mistaken belief that land use regulation does not apply for a particular neighbourhood or site.

SLAPP: Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation

Gagplanistan: A place of massively meaningless planning.

These ones are equal parts cynical about the process and the participants!