I have been collecting planning related acronyms for a while now. They fascinate me because they say so much about the way the various participants view each other. Anyway, here's a few of them:
Terms for objectors
LULU = Locally Unwanted Land Use
NIMBY = Not In My Back Yard
BANANA = Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything [or anyone]
CAVE people = Citizens Against Virtually Everything
NIMEY = Not in my election year (specific to politicians)
NIMTOO = Not in my term of office (specific to politicians)
NIMFOS = Not in my field of sight
NOPE = Not on planet earth
WIIFM What’s in it for me?
I want to come back to this at some stage because I often find that the LULU response is automatic when people are confronted with something that frightens them. It seems to me that planners make a mistake in arrogantly dismissing the LULU response - it's actually a valid reaction. It's how you deal with the reaction that really matters.
DBTD/DBTN: Two common vaccines used by planners to “fix” a project they don’t like. DBTD is technically Death By a Thousand Days and DBTN is Death By a Thousand Nicks [also known as the BED Principle—“Bleed ‘em Dry”]
Doczilla: Any technical report that should be caged rather than shelved.
DUDE: Developer Under Delusions of Entitlement
PowerPoint Poisoning: Nauseous state of mind and body induced by viewing “professional” presentations.
Sense of Immunity: Mistaken belief that land use regulation does not apply for a particular neighbourhood or site.
SLAPP: Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation
Gagplanistan: A place of massively meaningless planning.
These ones are equal parts cynical about the process and the participants!
SoCal Leaders Debate Moving Coastal Rail Line
SoCal Leaders Debate Moving Coastal Rail Line Diana Ionescu Fri, 03/07/2025
- 08:40 Primary Image
A rail line in Southern California is growing increasing...
1 day ago